Konings Baard-Olie Nardus en Hisop bevat Rosehip olie saam met Hemp koue pers olie as 'n draer olie, en daarby gemeng gebruik ons suiwer Essentiële olies Nardus en Hisop
Alle bestandele is natuurlik en nie sinteties nie.
Plaas ‘n klein hoeveelheid baard-olie in jou palm. Druk vingerpunte van een hand in olie en vryf met vingers van onder die nek tot by die wange, maak weer vingerpunte nat en vryf tot u die hele nek en wange gedek het. Vryf olie dan tussen die twee hande en met oortollige olie, vryf dit dan van onderkant van nek, totdat hele baard area bedek is. Mans met sensitiewe 'n sensitiewe vel, toets olie eers op 'n klein gedeelte van die vel voordat u dit op grooter areas gebruik.
Let wel die Baard-Olie is vir die vel bedoel, om die haarwortel te behandel, voed eers die vel voordat u bekommerd is om die baard 'n mooi glans te gee...
Konings Baard-Olie is nie net vir 'n gesonde vel en hare nie, maar het ook baie ander gesondheids voordele. Van ons kliente het dit ook al gebruik vir pyn in die gewrigte, knieë en rue. Mr Smit het sy Konings Baard-Olie vir sy moeder gegee vir haar rug pyn, en dis die boodskap wat sy vir my gestuur het :
"Mnr. Gericke ek kan net met lof praat van die Baardolie het dit gisteraand aan my lae rug gesmeer en vir die eerste keer in1jr nie opgestaan van pyn in my rug nie, ek beveel dit sterk aan, baie dankie Mev. Smit Kimberley."
So het Kobus van Sasolburg ook die Konings Baard-Olie vir sy rug probeer, dis sy boodskap wat hy vir ons gestuur het:
"Naand oom wil net laat weet het olie op rug gesmeer vir 2 aande nou en kan se die meeste pyne is weg ek voel hom nog so nou en dan maar daai aanhoudende pyne is sover beter"
Hier is die Gesondheids voordele van Nardus / Spikenard
•Promotes hair growth and retains hair color
•Slow the graying process
•Promote healthy skin, stops bacterial growth on the skin and inside the body
•Anti-fungal, it promotes skin health and helps heal ailments caused by fungal infections.
•Ease itching
•Treats patches on the skin
•Treats dermatitis
•Kill bacteria and help provide wound care
•Colds and coughs
•Fight inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation is at the root of most diseases and it’s dangerous for your nervous, digestive and respiratory systems.
•Natural coolant
•Serves as an anti-inflammatory agent.
•It rids the mind of anger and aggression. It sedates feelings of depression and restlessness and can serve as a natural way to relieve stress.
•Is an immune system booster — it calms the body and allows it to function properly. It’s a natural hypotensive, so it naturally lowers blood pressure.
•Is a natural remedy for high blood pressure because it dilates the arteries, acts as an antioxidant to reduce oxidative stress and decreases emotional stress.
•Spikenard helps to increase the good cholesterol and decrease the bad cholesterol.
•Relieve inflammation, which is the culprit for a host of diseases and illnesses.
•Fungal-related infections, such as athlete's foot.
•Treats bacterial infections in the kidneys, urinary bladder and urethra.
•Treat toenail fungus, athlete’s foot, tetanus, cholera and food poisoning.
•Potentially can helps fight Parkinson’s
•Pains related to muscle aches and menstruation. Treating painful menstruation and reducing inflammation of the uterus.
•Protects Uterus and Ovaries. Cleanse the uterus.
•Helps with infertility and treat menstrual disorders
•Remedies PMS cramps and bloating
•Maintain reproductive abilities
•Joint pain.
•Gastrointestinal issues, such as constipation. Stimulating digestive system, keep you running regularly and keep body waste moving.
•Relaxation during meditation (praying)
•The oil was also used as an aphrodisiac in naturally treating impotence.
Gesondheids Voordele van Hisop / Hyssop
•Prevents infections of wounds and cuts
•Fights infection and kills bacteria
•Healing deep cuts, scars, insect bites and even acne
•Digestive aid
•Liver problems
•Gallbladder disease
•Intestinal pain
•Sore throat
•Urinary tract infections
•Poor circulation
•Menstrual cramps
•To cause sweating (in baths)
•Topically for burns, bruises, and frostbite
Gesondheids Voordele van Rosehip
Rosehip Oil
- •Anti-Aging Properties
- •Protection from Age Spots
- •Helps With Stretch Marks and Reduces Acne Scarring
- •Boost the Immune System
- •Reduces Inflammation and Helps Arthritis
- •The highest concentrations of rosehip extracts (.025 to 1.0 mg/ml) decreased triple negative breast cancer cell migration by 25 to 45 percent. Additional experiments revealed that the extract appears to work by reducing MAPK and Akt, two enzymes that are known to promote cell growth in triple negative breast cancer.
- •Osteoarthritis relief. Rosehip oil is a folk remedy for arthritis and joint pain. A 2008 review of studies showed rosehip powder reduced osteoarthritis pain better than placebo with no adverse side effects.
- •Source of lycopene. A 2003 study found rosehips are a great source of lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant that helps protect the skin from skin-damaging free radicals. A 2018 review of four studies found that lycopene-rich products can help protect skin from the sunStress reduction Rosehip oil has an intoxicating scent and is used in aromatherapy. According to a 2009 studyTrusted Source, inhaling rosehip oil reduced autonomic responses such as systolic blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, and breathing rate. In addition, participants were calmer and more relaxed than those in the control group.
Gesondheids Voordele van Hemp olie
Hemp oil is harvested by cold-pressing hemp seeds.
Hempseed oil has an impressive nutrient profile. It is high in essential fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids and terpenes.
- •The top uses include for:
- •Skin
- •Hair
- •Its chlorophyll
- •Its essential amino acids
- •Scientific research finds hemp oil can weaken tumor aggressiveness as well as alleviate the unwanted side effects of conventional cancer therapies.
- •The small amount of cannabidiol (CBD) in hemp oil can provide anti-cancer benefits.
- •May Help Fight Against Breast Cancer
- •May Protect from Melanomas
- •May Reduce the Symptoms of Gliomas
- •May Help Fight Against Leukaemia
- •May Help Fight Against Lung Cancer - A 2012 study concluded CBD was able to reduce metastasis and invasiveness of human lung cancer cells implanted into mice. [24] CBD concentrations as small as 0.01 micromolar were sufficient to cause these anti-cancer effects.
- •May Reduce the Symptoms of Colon Cancer Hemp oil contains the antioxidant chemical: tocopherol. This compound protects from oxidative damage of DNA in colon cancer. [25] The amount of tocopherol in hemp oil is more than sufficient to generate anti-cancer activity.
- •May Prevent Cancer from Spreading in the Body - This makes hemp oil one of the most attractive herbal medicines for assisting in cancer therapy.
- •May Enhance the Benefits of Chemotherapy. CBD, omega-3 and omega-6 in hemp oil can Hand synergistically with chemotherapy to further enhance the effects of conventional drugs, like: Taxol, which is used extensively in breast cancer. [41] Hemp oil shows some indication of overcoming resistance to chemotherapy drugs in gliomas.
- •May Ease Side Effects of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy
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