Plaas paar druppels waar benodig, en vryf in. bring hande tot by neus en asem reuk in. Vir doeltreffende gebruik, drup 5 druppels langs ruggraat af, en vryf in. Of 1-2 druppels in die naeltjie en vryf in. Vryf ook onder voete en masseer olie deeglik in die voete in. Moet nie inwendig gebruik nie. Hou buite bereik van kinders. Moet nie gebruik tydens swangerskap nie. Raadpleeg u geneesheer voordat u die olie saam u medikasie gebruik.
Some of the most researched health benefits of cinnamon oil include:
1. Heart Health-Booster
2. Natural Aphrodisiac - Stimulates libido
3. Improves Blood Sugar Levels, Decreases bad cholesterol
4. Skin health, Hair and Lips. Helps with skin against irritation, rashes, allergic reaction and infections, rub the essential oil on skin, it reduce inflammation, swelling pain and redness. Can use cinnamon essential oil with honey for better results.
5. May Help with Weight Loss
6. May Help Ulcers
7. Fights Parasites
8. Helps Sore Throats
9. Deodorises Your Home
10. Fights infections and viruses, Fungal Infections. Cinnamon have natural anti-microbial, anti-biotic, anti-fungal and antiviral properties and have immune boosting compounds.
11. Help with diabetes, lowers blood sugar.
12. Prevents Candida in indigestive track
13. Preserve brain function, can help with Parkinsons and Alzheimer's disease
14. High in Antioxidants and slow the ageing proses
15. Prevents oxidate stress and decrease risk of brain disorder, cancer, heart disease and other chronic conditions.
16. Protects your heart, improve heart health, reduces the common risk factors of heart disease for example high cholesterol, high triglycerides and high blood pressure to keep your heart healthy.
17. Increase circulation and tissue repair to help fight of heart attacks, heart disease and strokes.
18. Lowers cancer risk. The antioxidant properties of cinnamon protects our cells against DNA damaged, cell mutation and cancerous tumors. Medical studies revealed that the health benefit of cinnamon comes from cinnamaldehyde which can eliminate tumor growth and protect DNA against damage and it also kills off cancer cells.
Cinnamon is most impressive in colon cancer, improve the health of the colon.
19. Reduces Allergy symptoms
20. Oral hygiene, cinnamon fights off bacteria that causes bad breath, tooth decay cavities and mouth infections
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