Plaas paar druppels waar benodig, en vryf in. bring hande tot by neus en asem reuk in. Vir doeltreffende gebruik, drup 5 druppels langs ruggraat af, en vryf in. Of 1-2 druppels in die naeltjie en vryf in. Vryf ook onder voete en masseer olie deeglik in die voete in. Moet nie inwendig gebruik nie. Hou buite bereik van kinders. Moet nie gebruik tydens swangerskap nie. Raadpleeg u geneesheer voordat u die olie saam u medikasie gebruik.
Gesondheids Voordele van Galbanum
- Approve blood flow in joints
- Gout
- Muscle spasm sports injury. Relax muscles
- Inflammations
- Arthritis
- Acne
- Digestion problems.
- Intestinal gas (flatulence).
- Spasms.
- Bronchitis - inhaling it open lungs from mucus
- Treats Coughs.
- Fights infections keep body clean from viruses and bacteria
- Heal open Wounds, when applied to the skin. Remove bacteria
- Give skin glow and toned look
- Galbanum might help fight certain types of bacteria
- Ulcers internal soars
- Scars, help new tissue to grow quickly
- Frequent urination
- Soothes nerves
- Stop premature axing
- Cure for insects bites even snakes
- Abscesses
- Rheumatism - inflammation in joints, muscles and surrounding soft tissue
- Nervous tension
- Stress
- Wounds Wrinkles
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antimicrobial
- Antiseptic
- Antispasmodic
- Anti-toxic
- Anti-tumour
- Aphrodisiac
- Balsamic
- Diuretic
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